If you plan on having a float in the parade please fill out the Float Entry Form instead.
I represent the above-named group and have read, understand, and agree to fully adhere to the rules and regulations established by the VFW Santa Parade Committee in regard to our participation in the parade. Furthermore, if I am approved to have a vehicle in the parade, I understand and agree that as the owner or lessee or agent of said vehicle, it is my responsibility to ensure that said vehicle is in good working condition, and is duly registered, inspected, and insured.
If your group requires the use of a motor vehicle, please contact the Parade Committee at 978-373-3777 or at vfw29santaparade@gmail.com for further information about motor vehicle restrictions. All support vehicles in the parade must be decorated. No exceptions. Vehicles not decorated on parade day will not be allowed in the parade line-up. This rule will be strictly enforced.